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Why Travelers Like To Visit The Egyptian Pyramid Of Giza?
Pyramid Of Giza Thursday, August 09, 2018

Everyone can agree on the fact that Egypt is perhaps the most mind-boggling, fascinating, and entertaining tourist destination out there. Located in the transcontinental region connecting the Middle East and Africa, it is home to intriguing historical monuments and artefacts which were constructed millennia ago.

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Everyone can agree on the fact that Egypt is perhaps the most mind-boggling, fascinating, and entertaining tourist destination out there. Located in the transcontinental region connecting the Middle East and Africa, it is home to intriguing historical monuments and artefacts which were constructed millennia ago.

One of the-favorite and famous structures of them is the pyramid of Giza. Egypt has over 100 pyramids like structures. Standing tall at a height of 146 meters, it draws millions of people from around the world. But why do people in such large numbers actually visit the site? This article is intended to answer few of the many reasons.

A Peek At One Of The Powerful Civilizations:

Egypt is considered one of the oldest civilizations on the planet which is considered on the lower reaches of the River Nile. At one point in time, it was identified as the most powerful New Kingdom covering and ruling much of Nubia and sizable portion of the Near East. The old civilization was particularly advanced in science and technology and also on spiritual frontier. Many of the achievements range from quarrying, surveying, to building monumental pyramids, obelisks, and temples. The irrigation and agricultural production techniques along the River Nile Cruises are epitome at their time. During the Old Kingdom in between 2686 and 2181 BC, advances were made and greatest feats of civilization were achieved. New Kingdom existing between the period of 1549 and 1069 BC was ruled by Pharaohs. The process of construction of some of these peculiarities is still open to debate and remain unsolved.

However, its powerful empire stated to decline after a series of invasion starting from Hyksos to Nubians to Achaemenid Persians to Alexander the Great. The pyramids were constructed during the Old Kingdom and remain the finest example of ancient architecture.

Easily Accessible:

Unlike other wonders in the world which require some degree of pre-planning, visiting the Pyramids Of Giza is as straightforward as taking a bus and dropping at a stop. Bus No. 355 and 457 which depart from Cairo take tourists directly to the site of the pyramid. The bus stop is right next to the Egyptian Museum which gives you a chance to brush up your Egyptian knowledge before heading all the way to Sphinx. In addition to that, you can always take private taxis or buses to Sphinx simply by following a highway, which makes the pyramids easily accessible.

Reason Behind Mummification:

The reason as to why Egyptians mummified the Pharaohs is subject to a lot debate. Some tourists get so engulfed by the reason that they can’t resist visiting the pyramids and seeing it for themselves.

The pyramids constructed in the middle of deserts were there for a purpose. As per archaeological findings, the pyramids were used as tombs where Pharaohs were mummified. Inside of the chambers of the pyramids, sarcophagi (Egyptian-style funeral boxes), jewellery, mummies and its constituents were found which strongly correlate with the fact that they were used for mummifying the prominent leaders of that epoch.

It is however evident that Egyptians believed in preserving the deceased in perfect condition so they can make it to the afterlife. Burying them in the desert resulted in wild animals eating them while putting them in coffin resulted in body getting decayed. So over time, they devised a method of embalming the bodies and wrapping them in strips of linen which we know today as mummification. But whatever might be the case, why not check them out yourself in an Egyptian Tour?

The Last Seven Wonders Of Ancient World Still Intact:

The Great Pyramid Of Giza is the oldest of all the Seven Wonders of Ancient World that’s still intact. For more than 3,800 years, they were the tallest man-made structures in the world. But it is deteriorating despite the best measures taken. Recently, private firms have come forward to offer their services in conserving them for future generation. Thus, people visit the pyramids before it loses its charm as we know it today.

But to experience the pyramids in the best possible manner, you should make sure that you’re in hands of a good tour company. While choosing a tour operator, you should be careful and should go for a reliable travel agent, not necessarily the cheapest. Go through the respective websites of different travel agencies and do not ignore the customer reviews. You should choose an organization which has excellent customer service and capable of giving you a satisfactory and timely response to your queries.

Not only we can craft a personalized itinerary, we can offer you the best competitive price to turn your Egyptian Tour dreams into a reality. To book tour packages, contact us at Egypt Online Tours today!

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